Our data driven market intelligence provides the perfect vendor for your requirement instantly

Get benefits of years of multichannel vendors which include top - Direct, Franchise, OEM and open globlal market

Advantage of decade long relationship with top global suppliers, giving us best service and sustaining our relationship

Through robust technology and automations - communications are open 24 x 7 with our supplier getting us shortest lead-times

Get advantage of 4 strategically located offices and warehouses for shortest stock delivery

Stay assured with quality inspection process of Univa for authentic and orginal components

Frequently asked questions

How early we can deliver ?

In most cases we can deliver the stock at your warehouse in 3 working days, it is considering payemnt to supplier and transit time. If no stock then need to follow Standard Lead time of the manufacturer will be applicable.

are the parts procured from reliable source ?

Univa follows stringent requirements, which are ensured by our systems-based inspection procedure to ensure all the part procured are original and tracable.

Actual stock available with supplier ?

Through our technology integration, we have access to live inventory of our key vendors. In other case, we re-confirm availability with the supplier and keep the customer posted on the stock.

What makes Univa as a solution for shortages?

Univa has a strong database of verified Frachised and open market vendors, which make it viable for Univa to fulfil shortages


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+65 64931567