Get the most competitive price from over 2000+ verified & certified supplier base

Univa commits to execellence for service delivery with 24 X 7 support system. Get dedicated sourcing, purchase and logistics team to work on your requirements.

Technology and our dedicated team approach has ensured the shortest turn-around time for your requirements.

Data driven quality management - Your requirements are only passed to the our pre-approved suppliers who have gone through our rigourous process of inspection and history rating of vendors we have worked with over the years.

Global Distribution network - with global market insight and reach build over 20 years we are able to source and work closely with our supplier

Frequently asked questions

Where we are located ?


What are the source you are buying ?

MFR/FD/Ctalogue Distributor/ Approved Stockiest

From where you are buying ?

Globally & country which is spcecialised in product manufaturing.

Are your vendor trusted ?

We have special approval system, we take trade references, check creditability,certification and service support.

How early we can deliver ?

In most cases we can deliver the stock at your warehouse in 3 working days, it is considering payemnt to supplier and transit time. If no stock then need to follow Standard Lead time of the manufacturer will be applicable.

Do you suggest alternate ?

we suggest atlerante, but we can support after approval from customer.

MOQ/ SPQ waived off ?

We can support case to case basis but then parts will not be in original packing.


Email Us to Know more

For Technical Support call us at
+65 64931567