Through our proprietary matching method and transactional sales history examination, we may reduce component prices and produce positive purchase price variance (PPV)

Univa will assist you in making crucial decisions about large-scale component purchases, identifying problems in your supply chain, and negotiating on your behalf with Suppliers.

Identify all possible cost saving opportunities through our data intelligence tool matured with data analytics over 2 decades

You may anticipate a strong, all-encompassing approach for current and future cost savings with all of our cost reduction services.

Frequently asked questions

How does univa help reduce costs ?

Through data driven technology mapped with your requirement, we will be able to compare the price history of our vendors and suggest specific areas or components where Univa will be able to reduce your cost.

We need contract price.

We will able to extend contract price if we have firm projection, and scheduled orders.

Price Validity

For shortage requirement we cannot extend price validity as market is volatile. But for routine orders we can extend 1 month validity.

Is there any compromise on quality while reducing cost ?

No, Univa never compromises on its component or supplier quality verification processes. Each supplier has to pass our stringent approval processes.


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